To Do List
This is a list of things which need to be done to make CaveScript
more useful.
- Implement support for more Survex commands in svx2xml and
Will XSLTs may make these programs superfluous?
- Write converters for the Walls cave survey format ie.
walls2xml and xml2walls
This shouldn't be too hard as Walls format is plain text and similar
to Survex.
Again use XSLTs?
- Converters for some of the other more popular cave surveying software:
Toporobot, Smaps, Compass, Karst. Bit more difficult as these formats
are binary.
- Graphical front end for a CaveScript XML survey editor. The GUI could
use one of the many GUI toolkits such as GTK+, Qt, Tcl/Tk or use web
based form entry.
- Converter for CaveScript XML to/from Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format