Monte Carlo Experiments by Computer

This is just a replacement page. You are here because you clicked on some link in the Monte Carlo Experiment and that page is not included in this site or the link is to a cgi script that cannot be executed from this site. This page is not in the actual Experiment pages. Click your browser's BACK button to return to the previous page.

Why do Zero and Second Order Links come to here?
This web site only shows screen shots and text for the First Order Reaction. The zeroth and second order reactions are not shown as they are similar in appearance and functionality.

Buttons in the First Order Reaction page don't work!
When you enter the First Order Reaction pages buttons such as "Default Values" and "Start Reaction" and "Plot" on the Analysis page will not work. This is because the cgi scripts that actually perform the kinetics simulation are not present on this web site. I have replaced the output of those scripts with static web pages. They will give you an idea of what the scripts show.

Click your browser's BACK button to return to the previous page.