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Existing relevant IUS field definitions

There are some field definitions already set up for cave informatics, such as

The full definitions can be seen on the IUS website at pgm/uis/index.html

For example, the IUS table ``atencode'' lists Rock Type in section 7 as per Table 1.

Table 1: IUS 1998 Field Definitions for 7: Rock Type (P. Matthews)
code meaning
02 limestone
04 dune limestone
06 dolomite
08 marble
10 basalt
12 dolerite
14 granite
16 gypsum
18 ice
20 lava
22 mudstone
24 quartzite
26 sandstone
28 soil
30 tuff

These can be used or referred-to in the minerals database, using the same numbers. Rather than re-keying the data, it would be preferable that in the on-line version, this information could be obtained by querying the relevant on-line Karst Index database, if it exists for that country. Presently the only Karst Index database which can be queried in this manner is the ASF's one.

There are some other problems in that although the IUS Articles database is defined, I am not aware of any implementations of it. The latest published IUS speleological abstracts are in a database, but it is not publicly accessible (ie not Web-based) and it uses different field definitions. Hopefully they will become merged.

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