Database Definitions - Index

These definitions are based on the 1998 definitions from the IUS website, and have been modified to include preliminary specifications for a minerals/speleothems database as well as some preliminary specifications for a Samples database.

The definitions are tentative at the moment, and modified at times.

This is a link to the UISIC proposal for cave & karst data exchange standards. Consider it the first file in the set. Describes how information on cave data can be exchanged between different databases by using alphanumeric codes to define each thing. Describes maximum number of fields for each database.
These are my amended proposals for cave & karst data exchange standards. The only change was to add the entry for MI - Mineral or Speleothem.
This is a link to the UISIC list of table structures for all the databases. It's a one page list. Completed table structures are hyperlinked.
This is my list of table structures for all the databases. The only table structure that has been completed is the Caves and karst features (catables as a hyperlink). The difference between this one and the UISIC one is this one has the minerals and samples, plus a few other table structures referenced. The other hyperlinks aren't in there yet because I haven't done the web pages for them.
This is a link to the UISIC Cave Subsystem draft table design. It includes CA0000, the Cave Master Table, and its relationship with other tables such as CA0070 (Principle Name), CA0007 (Rock type) and so on. Table linkages are shown (eg 1:1) and which things are primary keys, data types, #chars, etc.
This is the Minerals and Speleothems draft table design. It will include MI0000, the Minerals Master Table, and its relationship with other tables. Table linkages will be shown (eg 1:1) and which things are primary keys, data types, #chars, etc. Presently in a state of flux. LGPL'd.
This is the Specimen draft table design. It will include SM0000, the Specimen Master Table, and its relationship with other tables. Table linkages will be shown (eg 1:1) and which things are primary keys, data types, #chars, etc. Presently in a state of flux. LGPL'd.
This is a link to the UISIC cave / karst field list. There are about 20 pages of it (if you use Lynx). The contents lists each of the databases, eg CA - Cave / Karst, MI - Mineral. The fields are then grouped by entity (eg SP - Specimen), then by subject (eg 7 - Rock type). Only the English versions are shown (atenlist: EN=English).
These are the proposed additions to the cave / karst field list. As before, only MI - Mineral / speleothem and SM - Specimen have been worked on. It needs more work.
This is a link to the UISIC field definitions.
Eg 7 : Rock Type. Entity: CA; data type: A; max length: 2. coding: I; Single / Multi-valued: M.
Definition: ....
Usage: ....
Codes are hyperlinked to atencode. The field definitions are inserted by number. The last number used appears to be 521 : Data - upload ID. There are useful notes and a table of changes.
This file is over 127 (Lynx) pages.
(To be done) These will be additional field definitions. It will be in the same format as atendefn.html but will include all the codes in atencode1.html.
Codes will be hyperlinked to atencode1.html. The numbers start from 522 (Mineral Chemical Class) but can be changed of course if UISIC has already taken these #'s out. There are useful notes and a table of changes.
This is a link to the UISIC codes used by the field definitions. They are listed by field definition order, so 7 : Rock Type is early in the list. It describes what values are permitted for that field. Eg 7 : Rock type can have these values:
02 - Limestone
04 - Dune Lmestone
06 - dolomite
and so on. The last fields are 512 : Entity Update Status and 527 : Depth category.
These are the additional codes used by the proposed field definitions. They are in mumerical order and formatted same as atencode.html. This one is also LGPL'd. The numbers start from 522 and omit 527 as that is already used, but can be changed of course if UISIC has already allocated these numbers.
A copy of the GNU Library General Public License. This is the license I would suggest for the UIS tables and associated software. It allows material to be linked with other (non GPL) software libraries should that be necessary.

Content created 29th July 2001 and updated January 2006.

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Cave Minerals

Minerals database Introduction Database Definitions Tables of cave minerals Crystal classifications