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My Software

On this page

Spam Obfuscator


Kinetics Program


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      All software here is released under the GNU General Public License.
      A local copy can be found here.

What is Spam Obfuscator?

Do you get spam mail because you have your email address on your website? Are spammers picking up your email address from newgroup posts where you have included your email address in your signature? There are several ways to thwart spammers and spam bots. An easy way is to replace the @ with a small gif/png image or with AT like this: John.Doe AT nocompany.com (replace the AT with @). Other methods use mail filtering using lists of known spammers.

The method described here tries to obfuscate your email address by placing fake words in your normal email address and providing a clue to the astute reader as to what word to remove. I got this idea by seeing others with such email addresses but I wanted to automate the process and have some fun at the same time.

Reload this page a few times and see how the email address below changes:

Reload & see here:

Neat eh :-) You can run it for web pages, an email client or from the command line.

Further details on the script can be found here: Spam Obfuscator details. Download it from the download page here: Download Page
The gzipped tarball is just 4k in size and contains the Perl program and some word files.


CaveScript XML

CaveScript XML is designed to assist speleologists and cavers in cave surveying and drawing up cave maps.

It's a suite of utility programs, a specification for a Cave Survey Markup Language and some Document Type Definitions for the language. These form the foundations for the CaveScript Mapping Program which can generate Postscript files showing survey legs and cave features such as the walls, avens etc. If later the survey data changes, because errors are fixed or loops closed, the mapping program will automatically modify the wall detail to "refit" the changed survey legs.

The programs still need lots of code and a GUI frontend. The CaveScript markup language developed for the project is based on XML.

CaveScript is released under the GNU General Public License. If you want more details about CaveScript or you want to help in the development then enter the CaveScript Home Page here: CaveScript Home Page.


Kinetics Program for Teaching Aspects of Chemical Kinetics

A Web-based computer experiment to teach University level students some aspects of chemical kinetics using a Monte Carlo simulation has been developed. It is is covered by the GNU copyright. The software is available for teaching within an educational environment.

You can see some screen shots of the program running within Netscape here. Note that the images are full screen sized, otherwise the fonts look terrible. To get back to here after clicking on one of these links click on your Browser's "Back" button.

The first order reaction screen
(gif image size 70k)
Here students can enter values for a first order reaction and see how the concentration is an exponential function of reaction time. When they have some reasonable data they can click the "Analyse" link and get the next screen.
The first order reaction analysis screen
(gif image size 80k)
Here students can see what a plot of the log of concentration versus time would look like for the data above.

You can also browse the entire text of the experiment here: Kinetics Experiment Text

The program is a cgi script which runs on a PC running GNU/Linux with the Apache web server. This PC is a low end 233 MHz Pentium with 32Meg of RAM. The students access the program from a web browser on Microsoft Windows PCs in a learning centre.

Further details about the program and source code are available. See my contact details in the Introduction page.

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