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The following bash scripts are really useful.


# Prints a list of files modified after the file 'referenceFile' is touched.
# Instructions:
# Suppose you want the reference file to be called 'start'. Just run the 
# command: "touch start" from your root directory. This will create the file 'start'.
# Then add any directories you want to watch to the searchDirs list. 
# Now go and do your file editing etc .... 
# At the end of the day just run this script from the root of your home directory. 
# Author: Michael Lake, 2003

searchDirs="bin latex public_html"

if [ $PWD != $HOME ]; then
   echo "You must be in the root of your home directory to run this script!" 
   exit 1;

echo "Searching directories RECURSIVELY for files modified since: "
echo `ls -l --full-time ~/start` | cut -d " " -f6-8
echo `date` | cut -d " " -f1-3 | tr -d '\n'; echo " <-- todays date"

echo "Searching: " | tr -d '\n'
for i in $searchDirs; do
    echo "$i " | tr -d "\n"

# Find files that have has a more recent last modification time
# than file $referenceFile.
# But ignore the types of files listed in the sed lines
for i in $searchDirs; do
    find $i -type f -newer $referenceFile -print \
    | sed "/DS_Store/d" \
	| sed "/\.aux/d" \
	| sed "/\.ilg/d" \
	| sed "/\.idx/d" \
	| sed "/\.ind/d" \
	| sed "/\.lof/d" \
	| sed "/\.loo/d" \
	| sed "/\.lot/d" \
	| sed "/\.dvi/d" \
	| sed "/\.pdf/d" \
	| sed "/\.ps/d"  \
	| sed "/\.log/d" \
	| sed "/\.toc/d" \
	| sed "/\.fig/d" \
	| sed "/\.eps/d" \
	| sed "/\.tif/d" 

echo 'hint, to ignore a string do this: | grep -v  '



# This script simplifies running the 'Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment' 
# on remote servers. The aide binary, conf file and database are not kept on 
# the remote machine but copied over by this script in Step 1.
# Step 2 runs the aide check via ssh.
# Step 3 copies the report and any new aide database back to the local machine.
# Step 4 removes the aide files from the remote machine as a security measure.
# Procedure
# ---------
# Basically run the steps in the order 1, 2, 3, 4. 
# Read the report to check that there have been no instrusions.

# Change the next few lines to sui.
remote_aide_directory='/home/myname/aide_files'  # No trailing slash !

echo '   *********************************************'
echo '   * Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment  *'
echo '   *                                           *'
echo '   * Proceed through steps 1 to 4              *'
echo '   *                                           *'
echo '   * Select an option for AIDE                 *'
echo '   *                                           *'
echo '   * "Q" or "q" to quit                        *'
echo '   *********************************************'

# The normal shell variable contains "#? ", replace this.
PS3='Choice: '

exec_list="Copy_files_to_remote_machine Run_aide_check Run_aide_update Delete_files_from_remote_machine"

select exec in $exec_list; do

  if [ $REPLY = "1" ]; then
    # Copy files TO remote machine
	echo "Copying aide binary, conf & db files to mike@$remote_machine:..."
    scp ./aide      mike@$remote_machine:/home/mike/aide_files/aide
	scp ./aide.conf mike@$remote_machine:/home/mike/aide_files/aide.conf
	scp ./aide.db   mike@$remote_machine:/home/mike/aide_files/aide.db
  elif [ $REPLY = "2" ]; then
	# Run aide check on remote machine and copy report back to here.
	echo "Running aide check on remote machine ..."
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "sudo $remote_aide_directory/aide -c $remote_aide_directory/aide.conf --check"
	echo "Copying aide report back to local machine ... "
	scp mike@$remote_machine:/home/mike/aide_files/report report

  elif [ $REPLY = "3" ]; then
    # Run aide update on remote machine.
	echo "Updating aide database on remote machine ... "
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "sudo $remote_aide_directory/aide -c $remote_aide_directory/aide.conf --update"
	echo "Copying new aide database to local machine ... "
	scp mike@$remote_machine:/home/mike/aide_files/aide.db.new aide.db.new

  elif [ $REPLY = "4" ]; then
    # Delete aide files from remote machine
	echo "Deleting aide files from remote machine ..."
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "rm -f $remote_aide_directory/aide"
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "rm -f $remote_aide_directory/aide.conf"
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "rm -f $remote_aide_directory/aide.db"
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "rm -f $remote_aide_directory/aide.db.new"
	ssh mike@$remote_machine "rm -f $remote_aide_directory/report"

  elif [ $REPLY = "q" ] || [ $REPLY = "Q" ] ; then
    exit 0 
    echo "Invalid selection try again..."


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